Questions to God; How much TIME is left?

lets look at the bigger picture, lately the media is awash with stories of  natural disasters, political turmoil in almost every continent, religious wars and persecutions, moral decay in forms never thought of before and so many other tale-tell signs of the end times. at such moments I usually ask myself, is this the time? 

In one such moment i chose to ask God rather than myself after-all all these years i still had failed to answer myself. It is written that the day of the lord is near and so many writers in the bible charge us with being pure till that day which they say is soon. Having been written over 2000 years ago, its only natural for us to wonder if that day will be in our time. The promise of Jesus’s return is what many Christians have held onto throughout the times. Am sure that once or twice or even a million times, there have been believers like us who have asked God how soon is soon and how near is near? I remember God clearly giving me an answer that all throughout my doubts and questions had never come to mind.

first, what is time to God? does He measure his day in hours or years like man? no. He is not limited by time because He isn’t subject to the natural laws of the universe. And if He was, just think about it, we are all but a vapor in the wind, here now and gone the next second, am sure our entire lifetimes could only be like a millisecond to God! secondly, it is written that Jesus is taking His time to return so as to give time to as many people as possible to save their lives (1st Timothy 2:4-6). How kind and gracious of Him.

Let your pain and despair not cloud your spiritual vision, in times of doubt do remember that in its proper time, the prophecy of the coming of the Lord will be fulfilled. As it is going to come like a thief in the night, lets us forever be wary and ready keeping ourselves pure so as to be pleasing to God.

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